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Are You Prepared To Be A Caregiver?

Jo Huey has dedicated over 30 years of her life helping individuals with Alzheimer’s. Also a caregiver, Jo passes along the following wisdom:

The 10 Absolutes of Alzheimer’s Caregiving 

  1. Agree, never argue
  2. Divert, never reason
  3. Distract, never shame
  4. Reassure, never lecture
  5. Reminisce, never say “remember”
  6. Repeat, never say “I told you”
  7. Do what they can do, never say ”you can’t”
  8. Ask, never demand
  9. Encourage, never condescend
  10. Reinforce, never force

Choice is so important to all of us.  Being able to choose where we live, who we marry, what we drive, where we vacation, what we eat, how we spend our time, etc. will always be valuable.

Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances related to our health, finances, and work can drastically affect our lives.  We see how the pandemic has altered nearly every facet of our lives. While we are unable to predict the future; we can be proactive, protect those we love, and have a plan of action in place for those untimely and unforeseen circumstances. This is where we at On Point Insurance Consulting can help.  When you are faced with caring for an aging parent/relative, have been appointed the guardian or power of attorney, or simply need to be pointed in the right direction,: we will tailor a plan of action for you, including:

  • Who to contact
  • What to document & organize
  • Specific folders to maintain
  • What insurance to carry
  • communication with social worker
  • Lists of nursing homes, assisted living, VA facilities
  • Social security details
  • Specific forms/worksheets needed, and how to complete
  • When & who to contact for address changes
  • The need for funeral arrangements/pre-planning
  • What copies to maintain & where to store documents
  • Importance/details of an updated will

During this pivotal time you will need clear guidance, clear direction, with a clear plan of action in place.  You will be accountable in every sense of the word, as you are entrusted with overseeing their well-being, physically, financially, and emotionally, challenged with providing hope and grace, as you enter a new level of servanthood for your loved one(s).

Golden Point: Make sure you and your parents have a will… and that the executor is clearly stated.

Through expert knowledge, industry relationships, and personal experience On Point Insurance Consulting is well equipped to guide you through this process.  Our team will carefully listen to your specific situation and tailor a plan of action for your needs.  We understand the cornerstones of being a caregiver are dignity, grace, and accountability.  As such, we place a supreme value of trust and confidentiality in our approach and relationships.  Our goal is to provide structure, organization, and clear direction during this season of life.

As Jo thoughtfully said, and we believe, “never demand, ask; never shame, distract; never condescend, encourage” (and may I add) do it all with hope and grace.

Set up a time to meet with our team and get your customized plan of action.

Huey, Jo. Alzheimer's Disease, Alzheimer's Institute, 2008.

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